Unusual accommodation
The toue cabanée is a wooden habitat on water which offers a unique view on nature thanks to its large glass doors.
The warmth of the wood and the cozy layout make you feel relaxed and rested and offer an exceptional privacy.
The toue cabanée experience is a bit like traveling through time close to nature with a change of scenery guaranteed.
Ecological accommodation
The toue cabanée is a product which respects the environment:
- With the way it is conceived: use of natural material, water paint and varnish (no toxins) et second hand material.
- By its use: good thermal and phonic insulation to reduce consumption, clean and silent motorization.
Finally, the toue cabanée is a product which blends with its surroundings, she doesn’t spoil the scenery.
History and culture
We wanted to bring the toue cabanée back to life and renovate it. This boat which used to be used for fishing or for transporting merchandise, used to be used one hundred years ago on the Loire River.
Often the toues cabanées where only used once, at their arrival, their merchandise was sold then they were taken apart and the wood was used for roof structures for example.
The first floating holiday village in France


- Go on walks
- Have fun
- Enjoy
- Relax
- Discover

The ‘Village Toue’ at the Domaine des Demoiselles, an unusual holiday village dedicated to outdoor activities, will open its doors in 2014! 2 hours from Paris and 1 1⁄2 hours from Lyon, in the heart of the Charollais- Brionnais region, a natural site protected under Natura 2000, the Domaine des Demoiselles can offer you holidays with a difference. Imagine the scene – moored on a tranquil lake, aboard your Toue Cabanée… with its wooden interior, top of the range comfort and large windows, the Toue CABANEE is a boat full of history with stunning views of the surrounding nature. The ‘Village Toue’, at the Domaine des Demoiselles is dedicated to life on water and exploring the natural surroundings. On foot, by bike, with a canal boat, on horse or even by canoe on the Loire, we offer a variety possibilities from the ‘Village Toue’
Many on-site services make your holidays easier: catering, playgrounds, equipment hire, grocery, shuttles…
More information on the Toue Cabanée website
And find the website dedicated to unusual accommodation