Waltenheim-sur-Zorn is a small town nestled in the Zom Valley, between the Vosges Mountains to the west, the plains of Alsace to the east, the hills of Hanau to the north and the heights of Kochesberg to the south. Counting 3000 inhabitants, the village is located about 8km from Saverne and 36km from Strasbourg. The community forest, Fallberg Forest, possesses 308ha of vegetation near Dossenheim.
This region is located at the limits of Alsace and Lorraine and was occupied long before our era. The Celtic and Ligurian tribes who once lived here, have left behind them many legends.
Following that part of its history the region was then taken over by the Romans in 58 BC who implemented a period of peace which lasted nearly five centuries, only ending with the fall of the Roman empire. After it collapsed there were many successive invasions, the Alamanni, the Vandals and the Huns all devastated the country at one point or another. During the ninth century Alsace and Lorraine became dependent on the various German dynasties. However the region began to improve during the thirteenth and fourteenth century with significant economic development, sadly this growth was stopped by the Franco-Burgundian Wars and the Thirty Year War. Finally in 1648 the Treaty of Munster gave Alsace and Lorraine to the French crown.

Later the operation of the Lorraine coalfields brought a richness to the region, while the plains of Alsace excelled in agriculture and viticulture. However, this region was once again heavily marked by the wars of 1870-71, 1914-18, 1939-45, so much so that in less than a century this region experienced three times Germany’s authority.
Since 1949, Strasbourg has been the seat of the Council of Europe. This city is famous for its beer brewing, and it has been a tradition in this city since 870, and it was the first known brewery in the world.
Hence in this is a region full of history set amidst beautiful scenery you are sure to enjoy your cruise while discovering many new and interesting things about what makes this part of France so unique.
To see: In downtown Hochfelden you can admire the St. Wendelin Chapel (13th century), the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul and the Protestant Church which is built in red brick. You can also visit the Regional Museum of Zon, which has been installed in the former synagogue. Many documents and everyday objects tell the story of the country of Zorn, as well as the history of pottery in the region, and of course, the history of the local breweries!
To taste: Alsatian cuisine is highly original. Fine goose or pork fat is used to flavour many of the dishes. The Lorraine cuisine on the other hand, is justifiably proud of its sausages and pastries. Some of the specialities that you may enjoy are: Sauerkraut, the quiche Lorraine, Coq au Riesling, trout and carp, game during the hunting season (deer, wild boar, hare etc.), blueberry pie, cherry and plum tarts, Baecheofe (a dish of marinated meat in a bowl with white wine), the Flammenkueche (a blazed tart with onion, bacon and cheese). Riesling, Pinot Noir and Gewürztraminer wines are typical of Alsace, however it is important to drink them chilled, even the red wine.
To know: Meteor Brewery is the last independent brewery in Alsace.
Most Important: The inclined plane of Arzviller and the old city of Strasbourg are both well worth a visit.

Navigation on the Canal du Rhone auhin
If you sail southerly on the Rhone-Rhin canal it will carry you all the way to the city of Strasbourg (32km from Hochfelden), the capital of Alsace and Europe, a place famous for its remarkable architectural heritage which makes it a World Heritage City of UNESCO.
This canal, formerly known as Napoleon canal, started being used in 1833 after undergoing work to link Alsace with the Côte d’or and the Doubs. The work began in 1882 as part of an industrial project to increase the transport of heavy goods such as wood, coal, sand and petroleum products. Today this canal is mainly used for river tourism as the canal du Rhone au Rhin offers the perfect opportunity to navigate near Strasbourg and explore the surrounding countryside.

Navigation on the Canal Marne au Rhin
Sailing west along the canal Marne au Rhin, you will find yourself in a land with an unique character as you come across the historic town of Saverne (16-km from Hochfelden). The inclined plane, Arzviller (ship lift), is the only one of its type in Europe and it replaces 17 locks in total! With its classic form (including the West Tunnel, and the Réchicourt Lock), this canal offers a total escape from the busyness of the city. Reputed to be a weaving canal, you will be enchanted by the magnificent landscapes you find as you cross the Vosges.
Ce canal connaît ses premiers bouleversements à la suite d’un projet industriel en 1882 pour permettre un transport de marchandise lourde (bois, charbon, sable et produits pétroliers).
Aujourd’hui principalement pratiquer par le tourisme fluvial , le canal du Rhône au Rhin vous offre la possibilité de naviguer aux abords de Strasbourg.
Madame Oreille
Madame Oreille
Aventure en voyage
Canalous alsace
Tourist attractions

Discover all our tourist information from Waltenheim-sur-Zorn. Visit Hochfelden and its first brewery established in 1640. Rent a boat without licence and navigate in the heart of the fauna and the flora on the canal of Rhone to the Rhine and the Marne to the Rhine. Discover a unique landscape on the borders of Alsace and Lorraine.

Suggestions for cruises from Waltenheim-sur-Zorn

Waltenheim sur Zorn, Strasbourg, Waltenheim sur Zorn : 48 km, 15 locks, 10 hours
Waltenheim sur Zorn, Saverne, Waltenheim sur Zorn : 44km, 12 locks, 12 hours
Week-end one-way
Waltenheim sur Zorn, Languimberg : 66km, 26 locks, 16 hours

Mini week
Waltenheim sur Zorn, Saverne, Lutzelbourg, Arzviller, Niderviller, Waltenheim sur Zorn : 94 km,51 locks,28 hours
One week
Waltenheim sur Zorn, Strasbourg, Waltenheim sur Zorn, Saverne, Waltenheim sur Zorn : 107 km, 59 locks, 25 hours
Two weeks
Waltenheim sur Zorn, Saverne, Arzviller, Sarreguemines, Waltenheim sur Zorn : 256 km, 105 locks, 60 hours
Waltenheim sur Zorn, Saverne, Arzviller, Dombasle, Nancy, Waltenheim sur Zorn : 256 km, 95 locks, 56 hours